
International Horticulture Technologies (IHORT).  
IHORT works with the largest assortment of customers that you can imagine; greenhouses, nursery growers (containers), landscapers, agriculture, forestry, sugar cane, hydroponics, retail, growing kits, architects, governments, municipalities, contractors and new types of customers every day. In essence we work with anyone that wants to make a change and try something new in the way they are growing or marketing. What a wonderful job we have to be able to learn every day and to give and develop specialized products back to our customers.

Today the Q Plugs and Excel Plugs are available for everyone in a large selection of sizes and shapes. Originally the growing mixes were designed for just rooting and transplanting, but now the media mix has been changed to enhance the actual growing of plants. We have included several natural biological products and other growing and disease prevention items to our everyday soil mixes. This technology is the result of three generations of experience and testing and is now incorporated in most of our plugs and soil products.

Address:     PO Box 1035 Hollister, CA 95024
Email:    gary@ihort.com     Contact:  
Phone:    831-637-1800   FAX:  831-637-7556


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